Friday 17 May 2013


Have you ever been stabbed? Well neither have I, but I can imagine it isn't a very pleasant feeling. I have however been threatened to be stabbed, although it's not actually getting stabbed, it definitely isn't a pleasant feeling either.

 It had such a profound effect on me because I totally didn't see it coming. I couldn't have been more taken by surprise.

 You see, whether it is a good thing or not, I've lived a very sheltered life, never been exposed to violence, verbal or physical abuse, or any of those treacherous qualities. So when I got robbed it was a total shock. Let me set the scene...

 It was a Friday afternoon and school had finished. My big brother and I had already made our way from the school and gone up to the bus stop closest to our house, even so it was a 45 minute walk away. The two of us started to walk home as usual, unaware of the 7 guys that were following us. When I did take notice of them it just seemed so ordinary that a group of guys were walking in our direction. As we walked a little further I could here them teasing us, calling us 'whites boys' and just to fill you in a bit, I live in a predominately black country, with only a handful of white people, so I have grown up being called racially improper names by people who obviously have nothing to do but state the blatantly obvious, like seriously? I'M SORRY, I HADN'T NOTICED MY SKIN COLOUR. Anyway, that's for another blog post, where was I...

 So I completely ignored their racial slurs as I usually do. I glanced over my shoulder and they were quite a distance away, when completely out of the nowhere I felt a hand force down into my jacket pocket. I had no idea what was happening. Immediately I looked down to my pocket and saw a hand in it and with a grip stronger than a woman going into labour (which according to my dad, is pretty damn strong) I squeezed his hand and looked up and made eye contact with this delinquent. All of which happened in a matter of seconds.

 In a voice so deep those righteous glasses would shatter right off Barry White's face, so threatening that Mr. T would soil his own pants with the urine of fear, I begged him the question, "What the hell are you doing!" To which he turned around and told the other gang member to 'stab him'. In what seemed like a thousand years he reached back into his bag pack but before he could pull anything out I released my grip and emptied my pockets. £3.20, hope he spent it wisely. My brother did the same. They took their dirty money and ran down the street. We both just stood there, frozen on the side of the street. At that point did I grasp what had happened and was just in complete awe. Seconds later our housekeeper came driving up so Thomas and I hopped into the car and shouted FOLLOW THOSE BOYS! Unfortunately they disappeared into the houses. Unfortunate because our housekeeper said she would have run them over if she saw them. Bummer.

 We spent the following night in the station filling out police reports until midnight. Regardless of our efforts nothing was ever done to catch the guys who robbed us. I mean obviously I couldn't care less about the money. We all just wanted justice at that point. To catch those criminals, but absolutely nothing got done after that. I'm not bashing the police force here, because there are far more good police officers here that will go out of their way to bring justice, but some police officers, as in any jurisdiction, are a total joke. But I'll also leave that for another blog post...

 This was all a few years ago though, and when it happened I was very bitter and upset about it, I still am very careful about going out anywhere. It also made me super paranoid as before the incident I viewed strangers as friends I just hadn't made yet and now I view them as criminals that haven't been convicted yet.

Though a lot of people were so supportive, some persons just called us idiots, how we should of retaliated, and that they probably didn't even have a knife in the first place. I used to look back and wish I had fought back but it was just physically impossible for me to as I was completely frozen still from shock. Now I can look back and just laugh at it. In hindsight though, I'm happy for just giving them my money, even if they didn't have a knife, that's something I just didn't know and was not about to chance. It was £3.40 or my life.

So heaven forbid you ever get mugged, but if you do and they threaten to stab or shoot you, my advice to you is that you just hand whatever you have over, because nothing you own could possibly be worth more than your life. Unless you've got a black belt in ninja, then you have my full permission to turn them into sushi.

Hope you enjoyed reading this article! Please share, like and tweet it, and tell as many people about it as you can and I'll love you forever! Sign up to get an email subscription as to when a new article comes out, which will be next week when I talk about split second decisions!

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